The French Bulldog Club of America Policies and Procedures Manual was created initially in 2007, then added to and revised as needed for several years. The club issues of the day were identified and many of the board members and other volunteers worked tirelessly to research, define, write and solicit the Board of Directors approval for them. These policies and procedures were intended to provide consistent governance to the board and committees and how each functions. Prior to changing websites to, they were posted and available to all members. This is the first time they have been available to this membership since that change occurred. Although the policies maybe dated and some have even been updated in practice, the 2021 FBDCA Board of Directors believe it is essential to make them available once again to members as written for appropriate updating where necessary. It is especially important for committee chairs to review and potentially update their policy for a revision. Any proposed updates will be sent to the Board of Directors for discussion, approval and policy revision before being added. Revisions replace the current policy (and previous revisions if any) which will then be archived for future reference if needed.
Building and Maintaining Policies and Procedures Manual
Committee BREED ED PROGRAM approved 4-11-07
Committee Disciplinary revised 5-18-09
Committee Health & Genetics Guidelines revised 11-08
Committee Honors & Awards Guidelines approved 8-19-09
Committee Membership revised 11-19
Committee TOP Twenty Guidelines approved 4-18-13
FBDCA Board Code of Conduct approved 9-4-07
FBDCA Members FB List
FBDCA NSOC OUTLINE revised 9-10-08
JEC MentorApplication
Specialty application
Top Twenty Guidelines
Ways & Means Guidelines